2020 Tour de France

The 2020 Tour de France Fantasy League Has Arrived

The 2020 Tour de France Fantasy League Has Arrived

The 2020 Tour de France fantasy cycling game has arrived! Cycling fans in the United States and Canada will be able to participate exclusively on FloBikes.

Aug 25, 2020 by Travis Miller

0:00 / 0:00
  • Auto
  • 1080
  • 720
  • 480
  • 360
  • 134

The 2020 Tour de France fantasy cycling game has arrived! Cycling fans in the United States and Canada will be able to participate only on FloBikes. Put your knowledge to the test and become the manager of your own team for the Tour de France. Create your own private league and invite your friends to earn the ultimate bragging rights.

Join Pro to watch the 2020 Tour de France live and on-demand in Canada.

Available Live Broadcast & Replay Territories


Available Highlights & Additional Video Coverage Territories


How To Join

Go to flobikes.fantasybytissot.com or flobikes.com/fantasy and select the English or French language option.

The login credentials are not the same as your FloSports account. You will need to create a separate account to participate in the fantasy league.


The full list of prizes can be found on the fantasy page.

How The Game Works

When a player starts the game, he needs to use his virtual budget of 120 stars to choose a team of riders who are still qualified for the 2020 Tour de France. The player’s team is to be made up of a maximum of eight (8) riders.


In the « classic » mode, the participant won’t be winning any point if he/she selects seven (7) riders or less in his/her team for the stage.

In order to determine the virtual value of the riders - measured in stars - the following criteria are used:

  • 2019 UCI ranking         
  • 2018 UCI ranking         
  • Stages won during the 2019 Tour de France     
  • Stages won during the 2018 Tour de France     
  • General ranking during the 2019 Tour de France
  • General ranking during the 2018 Tour de France          
  • Point ranking during the 2019 Tour de France
  • Point ranking during the 2018 Tour de France
  • Mountain ranking during the 2019 Tour de France
  • Mountain ranking during the 2018 Tour de France

Rider Selection


The player should assign a status level to each rider within his team, before beginning the next stage:

  • One Road Captain
  • Seven Team-riders 

The status chosen will have an influence on the number of points the player is able to get in the game, and that will be based on the conditions explained below.


  • The default is that the status levels a player gives to the riders in his team in the previous stage and qualifying for the next stage will automatically be transferred to the next stage. 
  • The player can change the status of a rider within his team, as long as the next stage hasn’t yet started. 

For each stage, the Participant won’t be able to select in his/her team more than:


  • 3 riders from the « Leaders » category
  • 5 riders from the « All-Rounders » category
  • 3 riders from the « Sprinters » category
  • 3 riders from the « Climbers » category

All of the players registered will have the possibility to make 8 (eight) changes (in classic mode) by replacing 1 (one) of the riders within their own team by 1 (one) additional rider who is not yet a member of their team.

If A Rider Abandons

If a cyclist who belongs to the player’s team quits during a particular stage of the 2020 Tour de France, the points that he would have won before the point in time during the stage at which he quit will be assigned to the player 

If a rider who belongs to the player’s team quits during a particular stage of the 2020 Tour de France, the Participant will have to use credits in order to replace him with another rider.


The Points System

Prior to each stage, players will be able to choose one Road Captain for whom the points won during this stage will be doubled. The points won by the other riders within the player’s team (the “Team-riders”) will not be increased.

On the occasion of the team time trial, each rider (still qualified) will earn 1/8th of the number of points awarded to his team for its final ranking on the stage.

  1. Stage – Final ranking (Top 100)


Stage – Final ranking




200 pts


150 pts


120 pts


100 pts

5 th

90 pts

6 th

80 pts

7 th

70 pts

8 th

65 pts

9 th

60 pts

10 th

55 pts

11 th

50 pts

12 th

45 pts

13 th

40 pts

14 th

35 pts

15 th

30 pts

16 th

25 pts

17 th

20 pts

18 th

15 pts

19 th

10 pts

20 th

9 pts

21st à 25th

8 pts

26th à 30th

7 pts

31st à 35th

6 pts

36th à 40th

5 pts

41st à 50th

4 pts

51st à 60th

3 pts

61st à 80th

2 pts

81st à 100th

1 pt


  1. Intermediate Sprint - Ranking (Top 10)





15 pts


12 pts


10 pts


8 pts

5 th

6 pts

6 th

5 pts

7 th

4 pts

8 th

3 pts

9 th

2 pts

10 th

1 pt


  1. Mountain Climbs


  • Mountain Climb – Categories H & 1 (Top 5)





30 pts


20 pts


10 pts


6 pts


2 pts


  • Mountain Climb – Category 2 (Top 4)





15 pts


10 pts


5 pts


3 pts


  • Mountain Climb – Category 3 (Top 2)





10 pts


5 pts


  • Mountain Climb – Category 4





5 pts


  1. « Prix de la combativité » at the end of each stage





30 pts


  1. General Ranking Position at the end of each stage (Top 100)



Points Stage 1-20

Points Stage 21


50 pts

250 pts


45 pts

225 pts


40 pts

200 pts


35 pts

175 pts

5 th

30 pts

150 pts

6 th

28 pts

140 pts

7 th

26 pts

130 pts

8 th

24 pts

120 pts

9 th

22 pts

110 pts

10 th

21 pts

105 pts

11 th

20 pts

100 pts

12 th

19 pts

95 pts

13 th

18 pts

90 pts

14 th

17 pts

85 pts

15 th

16 pts

80 pts

16 th

15 pts

75 pts

17 th

14 pts

70 pts

18 th

13 pts

65 pts

19 th

12 pts

60 pts

20 th

11 pts

55 pts

21st à 25th

10 pts

50 pts

26th à 30th

9 pts

45 pts

31st à 35th

8 pts

40 pts

36th à 40th

7 pts

35 pts

41st à 45th

6 pts

30 pts

46th à 50th

5 pts

25 pts

51st à 60th

4 pts

20 pts

61st à 70th

3 pts

15 pts

71st à 80th

2 pts

10 pts

81st à 100th

1 pt

5 pts


Points will be multiplied by 5 for the 21th stage.

  1. Green jersey ranking - at the end of the Tour de France 2020 (Top 15)


Points Stage


Points Stage 21


30 pts

150 pts


26 pts

130 pts


22 pts

110 pts


20 pts

100 pts

5 th

18 pts

90 pts

6 th

16 pts

80 pts

7 th

14 pts

70 pts

8 th

12 pts

60 pts

9 th

10 pts

50 pts

10 th

8 pts

40 pts

11 th

6 pts

30 pts

12 th

4 pts

20 pts

13 th

3 pts

15 pts

14 th

2 pts

10 pts

15 th

1 pt

5 pts


Points will be multiplied by 5 for the 21th stage.

  1. Polka-Dot jersey ranking - at the end of the Tour de France 2020 (Top 15)



Points Stage 1-20

Points Stage 21


30 pts

150 pts


26 pts

130 pts


22 pts

110 pts


20 pts

100 pts

5 th

18 pts

90 pts

6 th

16 pts

80 pts

7 th

14 pts

70 pts

8 th

12 pts

60 pts

9 th

10 pts

50 pts

10 th

8 pts

40 pts

11 th

6 pts

30 pts

12 th

4 pts

20 pts

13 th

3 pts

15 pts

14 th

2 pts

10 pts

15 th

1 pt

5 pts


Points will be multiplied by 5 for the 21th stage.

  1. White jersey ranking - at the end of the Tour de France 2020 (Top 15)



Points Stage 1-20

Points Stage 21


20 pts

100 pts


18 pts

90 pts


16 pts

80 pts


14 pts

70 pts

5 th

12 pts

60 pts

6 th

10 pts

50 pts

7 th

9 pts

45 pts

8 th

8 pts

40 pts

9 th


35 pts

10 th

6 pts

30 pts

11 th

5 pts

25 pts

12 th

4 pts

20 pts

13 th

3 pts

15 pts

14 th

2 pts

10 pts

15 th

1 pt

5 pts


Points will be multiplied by 5 for the 21th stage.


  1. « Prix du Super-Combatif » at the end of the Tour de France 2020





150 pts




4.3. Values for the riders


In order to determine the virtual value of the riders - measured in stars - the following criteria are used:


  • 2019 UCI ranking         
  • 2018 UCI ranking         
  • Stages won during the 2019 Tour de France     
  • Stages won during the 2018 Tour de France     
  • General ranking during the 2019 Tour de France
  • General ranking during the 2018 Tour de France          
  • Point ranking during the 2019 Tour de France
  • Point ranking during the 2018 Tour de France
  • Mountain ranking during the 2019 Tour de France
  • Mountain ranking during the 2018 Tour de France