7 Cycling Tips For Beginners

7 Cycling Tips For Beginners

Here are seven quick tips everyone should know before hopping on a bicycle!

May 2, 2018 by Alex Rees
7 Cycling Tips For Beginners

Starting any new discipline can be daunting to anyone, and venturing into the world of cycling can be intimidating to even the most experienced of athletes. Cycling is very different from other sports, and there are various tips and tricks to help athletes prepare for their rides, become more efficient with their pedal strokes, and make their rides more comfortable. 

Here are seven tips to help you learn and fine-tune your cycling techniques and workouts.

1.) Wear a cycling helmet

It goes without saying, but safety should always be your number one priority when taking your bike out for a ride, especially when you will be sharing the road with cars. Even if you have been cycling for years, it’s always important to wear a helmet.

2.) Check your tire pressure

Whether you're fixing to embark on your fifth ride or your 500th ride, it’s always important to check your tire pressure. Having low tire pressure could mean that you have a leak in your tire, and the last thing you would want is to be 15 miles away from your home and have a flat tire.

3.) Invest in a few key accessories

When starting to cycle, there are a few important pieces of equipment that every cyclist should invest in. In addition to getting a helmet, cyclists should also get a bike lock, comfortable cycling shorts/pants, a water bottle that fits your bike cage, comfortable shoes, and a tire pump. Having these essentials will help you be prepared when you first start cycling.

4.) Stay hydrated

When you start cycling, especially outside, it is sometimes hard to tell how much water and nutrients you are actually losing during your ride. In order to operate at optimal efficiency 30, 60, or even 90 minutes into your ride, it’s important to continue to frequently hydrate before, during, and after the ride. Adding some electrolytes to your plain water is also a great solution as you begin to embark on rides that extend longer than an hour. Electrolytes will not only help you stay hydrated but also help prevent muscle cramping. 

5.) Make sure your bike is properly fitted to you

When starting to cycle, you might just think you need to have a nice bike that’s in good shape. Even though that is a great starting point, it’s also highly important that the bike fits your body. Fitting the saddle and handlebars to your height will help ensure you are pedaling efficiently and staying comfortable while you ride. There are many online tutorials to fitting a bike properly or you can also go to your local cycling shop to have them fit the bike for you.

6.) Use your gears properly

When first riding, it might feel comfortable staying in one gear, but the gears are there to assist you depending on the terrain. Especially when going uphill, shifting gears will help you get to the right rotations per minute (RPMs) and save your joints from unnecessary stress.

7.) Don’t do too much too soon

Cycling, like any other sport, is something many professionals spend their entire careers mastering. It is a great low-impact form of cardio, but just because it is low-impact, that does not mean it’s easy. Cycling can be a great cardiovascular workout and help you build lower body strength as well. As with anything, it’s smart to build up distance over time.

These tips should help you have a safe, enjoyable time cycling.